The Yasiest of them all!

Sunday, February 26, 2006


Ryan!!! Thats right, you heard it, it's Ryan, with a whole new wardrobe designed specifically (at least 80%, anyway) by our very own Brookie Cookie! So now it's time for the REAL competition. Which outfit wins "Best in Closet" for Rhyno? It's up to an extrememly small population of America to decide. His only weakness? He can't turn left in a modeling walk-off. VOTE NOW AMERICA!!!

1. Supa' cool, Brooskie recommended! AE White T, hip-faded pants, and a casual blue jacket. The grass stain completes the ensemble. (Grass stain not included)

2. Lookin' sooooo good. White - blue striped dress shirt, and....are those the same pants? yes....yes they are.

3. Feel like wrapping yourself in seaweed and being buried in mud? I know I sure do, which this flashy green-stripped shirt, brighter green under T, and.....the only good pair of pants I have.

4. Yaaaaahoooo!! This rugged lookin' hunk looks like he should be ridin' the bulls in next years rodeo! Add a hat and some cowboy boots and he just might. OR if country isn't your cup of tea, then it's just "rugged lookin' hunk." The white-blue stripped shirt makes it's second appearance, with a levi jacket and of course...those jeans that look like someones been wrestling in the dirt!

Now a wardrobe wouldn't be completed without a killer pair of shoes, and since all the above outfits sport these shoes, here's just a close up look at those...

So which outfit will win "Best in Closet?" Will it be:

1. Supa' cool Brooskie recommended?
2. White/blue soooooo good?
3. Seaweed safari?
4. or Rugged Hunk?

The vote is in your hands. In conclusion, vote now.


  • At 5:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    My vote goes 100% to seaweed safari. Lookin' sooo good man! But I'm also likin' rugged hunk, yes, even the jean on jean--sorry Brooke, but in this works. And the shoes were just sent straight from heaven. My husband's gonna have like five pairs of those in all different shades with different colored stripes and whatnot. Sweet looks Rhyno! PS--sweet jeans

  • At 11:36 AM, Blogger Brookie said…

    I don't know if I've ever laughed so hard as when I did when I saw this blog! Holy mother of pearl, who knew Ryan could "pose" like that?! LOL!! My vote is for... (drum roll please!) THOSE HOT SHOES!!! Yeayah! Just kidding. Anyways, it's gonna sound strange coming from me, Brooskie, but I think I'm going to vote for all of them and not just the "Supa' cool Brooskie Recommended." (And yes, this even includes the jean on jean! Jess is right... in this case, I really think you can pull it off.)

  • At 2:21 PM, Blogger Brookie said…

    that's weird... you're weird.

  • At 9:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Wow! From a former part-time mall runway model, I definitely vote for the rugged hunk. The other clothes are great, but you've got the model moves in your hunk look. You go, guy!

  • At 3:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It's a good thing I love you so much, Ryan. A VERY good thing...

  • At 6:43 PM, Blogger Rhyno "Yasy" Dyno said…

    It's always nice to be loved...

  • At 7:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Here's another vote for the rugged look.


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