The Yasiest of them all!

Saturday, December 31, 2005

I see...

It has come to my attention that people have been wondering what i've been thinking, and that i've lost my mind, so in an attempt to reclaim it, I create... Jahoocranet. Basically, besides being a made up word, making my total number of made up words 2, including the old favorite "yasy," Jahoocranet is a serious illness that has only one cure. The symptoms include slight anxiety, a tiny bit of frustration, and an uncontrollable urge to get online immediately and either write an email, blog, or instant message. The cure is, obviously, to get online faster than you can say "the net" and type some extremely enjoyable material for people to read, thus relieving the above mentioned symptoms. Seeing as I looked and felt a bit like this guy, i'm slowly but surely, with each word I type, becoming more like myself again.
I think i'm well enough now to include some seriousness in this post. I had a fabulous Christmas, had a great time at Jessica's party, and i'm at home doing absolutely nothing on New Years Eve, but hey, you win some, you lose some. In conclusion, scissors cut stuff.


  • At 1:38 PM, Blogger Brookie said…

    A blog from Ryan! Finally! Yes, I also have found that scissors do cut stuff. Good Joooooooooooooorrb!

  • At 3:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey! Lookin' good man! I feel like you dropped off the face of the earth for a couple weeks...but it's all good now. PS--nice letter, or shall I say passage to Mike! lol

  • At 3:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Comments moderation has been enabled? What? What? You mean I'm not allowed to just go crazy on your blog and confess all my thoughts and emotions? A hoo A hoo!


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